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Life Verse

While enjoying dinner with new friends during the ACFW Conference, the subject of having a "life verse" came up. As each friend shared the scripture verse that most profoundly spoke to their life, a little bit of their heart and journey was revealed. Even the one who had never heard of the concept could immediately point to a passage that had uniquely shaped her faith.

I suppose every verse in the Bible is a life verse ("The words I have spoken to you...are life." John 6:63), but certainly some seem to carry special personal significance for a certain time or even for a lifetime.

Years ago I was praying about a career change and was unsure how to discern between what I wanted and what God wanted. In one of those unexpected moments, God reminded me of the verse, "Delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart." (Psalm 37:4) God gently let me know that if I delight in Him—enjoy His presence, His word, His people, His creation—God will align my desires with His. That's a truth that would take a lifetime to get right.

The only danger in leaning on a life verse is that life changes, and while what God said is eternal, God's word is alive and relevant right now. I don't want to forget or ignore what God has promised in the past, but I never want to miss what God is saying today. You never know at what unexpected moment God may bring to mind a verse or passage that sets a new course or shines light on God's plan in a new way.

Recently I asked my lovely wife "What's for dinner?" and Katy suggested I change my life verse to the words God spoke to Peter in Acts 10:13.

"Rise, kill and eat."

September 21, 2009 | Permalink


I will remember that verse.

Posted by: Lynett on Oct 18, 2009 5:04:39 PM

Hi Lynett-If you are referring to Acts 10:13, I'm sure Fred will love that!

Posted by: Doug on Oct 18, 2009 10:58:02 PM

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